Common interface for AST nodes that represent types.
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data class DynamicType(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Type
AST node that represents a dynamic type. The node corresponds to KtDynamicType and modifiers of its parent.
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data class FunctionType(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val contextReceiver: Node.ContextReceiver?, val receiverType: Node.Type?, val lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar, val parameters: List<Node.Type.FunctionType.FunctionTypeParameter>, val rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar, val returnType: Node.Type, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Type
AST node that represents a function type. The node corresponds to KtFunctionType and modifiers of its parent.
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data class NullableType(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val innerType: Node.Type, val questionMark: Node.Keyword.Question, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Type
AST node that represents a nullable type. The node corresponds to KtNullableType and modifiers of its parent.
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data class ParenthesizedType(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar, val innerType: Node.Type, val rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Type
AST node that represents a type surrounded by parentheses. The node corresponds to KtTypeReference or KtNullableType having (
and )
as children.
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data class SimpleType(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val qualifiers: List<Node.Type.SimpleType.SimpleTypeQualifier>, val name: Node.Expression.NameExpression, val lAngle: Node.Keyword.Less?, val typeArguments: List<Node.TypeArgument>, val rAngle: Node.Keyword.Greater?, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Type, Node.Type.NameWithTypeArguments
AST node that represents a simple named type. The node corresponds to KtUserType and modifiers of its parent.