AST node that represents a when expression. The node corresponds to KtWhenExpression.
AST node that represents a when branch with conditions.
AST node that represents a when branch with else keyword.
AST node that represents a when condition using expression. The node corresponds to KtWhenConditionWithExpression.
AST node that represents a when condition using range. The node corresponds to KtWhenConditionInRange.
AST node that represents a when condition using type. The node corresponds to KtWhenConditionIsPattern.
Common interface for when branches. The node corresponds to KtWhenEntry.
Common interface for when conditions. The node corresponds to KtWhenCondition.
Common interface for when condition operators.
Common interface for when condition range operators.
Common interface for when condition type operators.
AST node that represents a subject of when expression. The node corresponds to a part of KtWhenExpression.