data class LambdaParameter( val lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar?, val variables: List<Node.Variable>, val rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar?, val destructuringType: Node.Type?, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node
AST node that represents a formal parameter of lambda expression. For example, x
in { x -> ... }
is a lambda parameter. The node corresponds to KtParameter under KtLambdaExpression. Unlike FunctionParameter, this node can have multiple variables, i.e. destructuring declaration.
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constructor( lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar?, variables: List<Node.Variable>, rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar?, destructuringType: Node.Type?, supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement())
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type of whole parameter on destructuring if exists, otherwise null
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left parenthesis of this parameter if exists, otherwise null
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right parenthesis of this parameter if exists, otherwise null
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Supplemental data for the node.
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list of variables.