
sealed interface Declaration : Node.Statement

Common interface for AST nodes that are main contents of a Kotlin file or a class body.



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AST node that represents a class or interface declaration. The node corresponds to KtClass.

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data class FunctionDeclaration(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val lAngle: Node.Keyword.Less?, val typeParameters: List<Node.TypeParameter>, val rAngle: Node.Keyword.Greater?, val receiverType: Node.Type?, val name: Node.Expression.NameExpression?, val lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar, val parameters: List<Node.FunctionParameter>, val rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar, val returnType: Node.Type?, val postModifiers: List<Node.PostModifier>, val body: Node.Expression?, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Declaration, Node.WithModifiers, Node.WithTypeParameters, Node.WithFunctionParameters, Node.WithPostModifiers

AST node that represents a function declaration. The node corresponds to KtNamedFunction.

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AST node that represents an object declaration. The node corresponds to KtObjectDeclaration.

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data class PropertyDeclaration(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val valOrVarKeyword: Node.Keyword.ValOrVarKeyword, val lAngle: Node.Keyword.Less?, val typeParameters: List<Node.TypeParameter>, val rAngle: Node.Keyword.Greater?, val receiverType: Node.Type?, val lPar: Node.Keyword.LPar?, val variables: List<Node.Variable>, val rPar: Node.Keyword.RPar?, val typeConstraintSet: Node.PostModifier.TypeConstraintSet?, val initializerExpression: Node.Expression?, val delegateExpression: Node.Expression?, val accessors: List<Node.Declaration.PropertyDeclaration.Accessor>, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Declaration, Node.WithModifiers, Node.WithTypeParameters

AST node that represents a property declaration. The node corresponds to KtProperty or KtDestructuringDeclaration.

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data class TypeAliasDeclaration(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val name: Node.Expression.NameExpression, val lAngle: Node.Keyword.Less?, val typeParameters: List<Node.TypeParameter>, val rAngle: Node.Keyword.Greater?, val type: Node.Type, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node.Declaration, Node.WithModifiers, Node.WithTypeParameters

AST node that represents a type alias declaration. The node corresponds to KtTypeAlias.


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Supplemental data for the node.