
data class TypeArgument(val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, val type: Node.Type, val supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement()) : Node, Node.WithModifiers

AST node that represents an actual type argument. For example, Int in listOf<Int>() is a type argument. The node corresponds to KtTypeProjection.


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constructor(modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>, type: Node.Type, supplement: NodeSupplement = NodeSupplement())


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list of annotation sets.

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open override val modifiers: List<Node.Modifier>

list of modifiers.

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open override val supplement: NodeSupplement

Supplemental data for the node.

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projection type. When the type argument is a star projection, this is Type.SimpleType that has a single Type.SimpleType.SimpleTypePiece whose name is "*".